Thursday, July 19, 2018

Quick Pickled Pickles Recipe

small glass mason jar with a silver lid filled with homemade pickles


I forgot to buy pickles. 


And it's the middle of summer, meaning it's burger season. It's a crime to eat a burger without a solid layer of pickle slices between the bottom bun and the burger. 

You know how on EVERY Food Network cooking competition show when they need a "bright" element, they throw together a quick pickle?

So, in my grocery order, I DID remember to buy a cucumber, and I have rice vinegar from my white girl sushi attempts, dill in my garden, and of course sugar and salt. 



Quick Pickled Pickles
Makes about 1/2 cup sliced pickles

1/2 cup thin cucumber slices
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp fresh dill
2 cloves garlic
1/4 tsp whole black peppercorns

Mix all ingredients in a glass mason jar. Cover and refrigerate for at least 10 minutes for a quick pickle. Keep refrigerated, and consume within 3 weeks.


salt cellar next to a jar of sugar and a bottle of nakano rice vinegar behind a cucumber

For the pickle brine base, I used 1/2 cup rice vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar, and 2 tsp salt. I wanted to add some extra flavors, so I went out and picked a few fresh dill leaves and added two garlic cloves, and about 1/4 tsp of whole black peppercorns. 

small red bowl of vinegar salt sugar dill garlic and peppercorns

A glass mason jar with a tight fitting lid is the best for this. Cut enough cucumber slices (or whatever vegetable you want to pickle) to fit into the jar loosely packed, then pour the other ingredients over top (I whisked the vinegar, salt and sugar in a separate dish first to let the sugar and salt start to dissolve). Close the lid tightly, then give it a little shake to make sure everything is mixed. 

Refrigerate for about 10 minutes and you'll have a true Food Network "quick pickle," or they'll keep for a couple weeks in the fridge. Keep in mind that the longer they sit in the vinegar, the more sour they'll get, so if you prefer a very fresh tasting pickle where it still has that cucumber quality, you'll want to eat them within a couple days. 

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